Thursday 5 May 2011



Tuesday 1 February 2011

My granddad has cancer again, only this time not in the 'your options are...' sense, but in the 'it's time to think about your will' sense. Such is life.

I feel really perma sleepy and ill, I fainted last month. Nicht gut.

G2g, 3000 words to write before tomorrow morning.x

Sunday 16 January 2011

I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to something, a day. And I don't know exactly when or what it is, but everyday I'm closer and closer and I wake up feeling more and more unhappy about it. Everyday is just a day and a day is so short, and I'm only a number of days away from whatever it is I don't want to get near to. And I'm just jealous of everyone for absolutely nothing. I'm so alone right now. Why am I posting this?

Tuesday 15 June 2010

You can have everything you want. You can have the World - if you change what it is you want. You can be free from your desires and what you think you want; you can be 'forced to be free'. That's if you believe in Rousseau. I don't believe Rousseau.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Can't keep awake!

Monday 22 March 2010


Makes the heart go stronger?

There's a few reasons why I haven't written in here for so long (okay - one.  Best friend found it.  Panic.  Changed URL.  Deleted it.  Etc..).  I took the links from where they were displayed, then figured no one would read it anymore.

So, does anyone read this anymore?

If anyone responds I'll start it up.  If not - might be time to REALLY say goodbye?

Errr, I'll check back in a week/few days.  :)

Thursday 7 January 2010


·         Outfit:

Grey/black leggings

Black belt

Denim shirt – do up? (grey top under??)


Glasses – plz  come.  must wait for post. (?)


Lipstick – no?

hair - bun.

 cheaper asos bag

·         Write internship letter

·         Write to O’Halloran

·         Email Jimmy